Sober living

Abuse of Power by Soviet Ukrainian Nomenklatura, 1945 1991 REESOURCES Rethinking Eastern Europe

In addition, the odds of committing a property crime for drinkers are greater than the odds of being involved in the other two measures of crime in all models. Changes in recording practices have led to discontinuity in police recorded crime figures, especially for violent crime over the last 10 years. Most recently, in May […]

Abuse of Power by Soviet Ukrainian Nomenklatura, 1945 1991 REESOURCES Rethinking Eastern Europe Read More »

Drugs, alcohol and guns at principal’s house party with students

Medications prescribed to lower cholesterol levels (known as statins) can cause flushing, itching, stomach mixing alcohol and drugs causes an effect called bleeding, and liver damage. Combining these drugs with alcohol can make the risks and side effects worse, especially if you have liver disease. The combination of popular prescription cholesterol drugs (statins) and over-the-counter

Drugs, alcohol and guns at principal’s house party with students Read More »

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